Quality Starch | OnPoint Nutrition

How many times have you heard of “starchy” foods being the culprit behind weight gain?

Or maybe you’ve been told to cut them out entirely to reach your health goals?

After serving more than 3,000 clients to reach their health goals, we’ve come across all the myths and misconceptions out there, and we think it’s time to clear the air.

First things first: Starch is not the enemy; in fact, they are a crucial part of a balanced diet. The key is to choose quality starch.In this article, we’ll explain why they’re important and how to hone them to achieve optimal health and yes, weight loss.

Join us and throw away everything you thought you knew about the big bad category — and get ready to embark on a whole new health journey!

Understand starch

Starch is a type of carbohydrate (gasp), an important nutrient that serves as your body’s primary source of energy. They are found naturally in many foods, including grains, vegetables and legumes. When you consume these foods, your body breaks down the starch into glucose, which your cells use for energy.

Diet culture has given this category a bad wrap, but it’s not what it seems!These are not an enemy! So rather than avoiding them, understanding their importance, identifying quality sources and incorporating them wisely into your diet is the way forward!

Quality starch versus refined starch

Not all starches are created equal. The quality of the starches you consume plays an important role in your overall health and well-being. Quality starch, often called complex carbohydratesfound in whole, unprocessed foods.

Good sources for complex carbohydrates include:

  • Whole grains: Foods such as brown rice, whole wheat, oatmeal and quinoa are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. These foods also provide a variety of other nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals.

  • Legumes: Beans, lentils and peas are packed with complex carbohydrates, along with protein and fibre.

  • Vegetables: Leafy green vegetables, root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and carrots, and other vegetables such as broccoli, zucchini and peppers are good sources of complex carbohydrates.

  • Fruits: Although fruits contain some simple sugars, they are also a good source of fiber and are considered part of a healthy diet.

  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds are not only good sources of healthy fats, but they also provide complex carbohydrates.

They are rich in fiber, which helps regulate digestion, control blood sugar levels and keep you satisfied for longer.

On the other hand, refined starch is found in processed foods. During processing, fiber and nutritious outer layer of grain is removedleaves behind a starch that is quickly digested and can lead to blood sugar spikes and crashes.They are also known as simple or “bad” carbohydrates.

Some examples of refined starch include:

  1. White rice: This is rice that has had its husk, bran and germ removed, leaving mostly the endosperm which is mainly starch.

  2. White bread: Made from wheat that has had its bran and germ removed, leaving the starchy endosperm.

  3. Pasta: Unless it’s made from whole grains, pasta is another common source of refined starch.

  4. Pastries and sweets: Most baked goods, such as cakes, cookies and pastries, are made from refined flour and sugar, both of which are sources of refined starch.

  5. Breakfast cereal: Many breakfast cereals are made from refined grains and added sugars.

  6. Instant noodles: These are often made from refined wheat flour.

  7. Snack: Many snacks, such as chips, crackers and pretzels, are made with refined starches.

  8. Soda and other sugary drinks: Although not a starch, these drinks are worth mentioning because they are often high in refined sugar, which has similar effects on the body as refined starch.

Include quality starches in your diet

Switching to high-quality complex carbohydrates, or “good starches,” can often be accomplished with a few simple changes to your daily eating habits. It doesn’t necessarily require a drastic change in your diet, and the process can be enjoyable and beneficial to your health.

Here are some simple steps to get you started:

1. Rreplace white bread with whole grain bread is a good first step. Whole grain bread retains the whole grain – bran, germ and endosperm. The bran provides fiber, the germ contains nutrients, and the endosperm provides energy, making it a much more nutritious choice compared to white bread, which only contains the endosperm.

2. Tditch your morning cereal for a bowl of oatmeal can be a significant upgrade. Many cereals, especially those marketed towards children, are loaded with sugars and lacking in fiber. Oatmeal, on the other hand, is a whole grain that is high in fiber, and it also contains a type of fiber called beta-glucan, which has been linked to many health benefits including lowering cholesterol levels.

3. Creplace white rice with brown or wild rice at the dinner. These whole grain options are full of fiber and other nutrients and can help you feel full and satisfied.

4. Wthen it comes to snackschoose whole foods like fruits, vegetables or a handful of nuts and seeds instead of processed snacks like chips or pretzels, which are often made with refined starches.

The key is to start small and make changes that feel manageable to you. Maybe start by changing one meal a day or even one meal a week. Over time, as these new habits become part of your regular routine, you can continue to make further changes.

Remember that the transition to better quality starch is not just about subtracting from your dietbut also about adding a variety of delicious, nutritious foods. This change in perspective can make the process felt less as a sacrifice and more as a journey to better health and well-being. Small changes can really add up to big benefits over time, including improved digestion, more sustained energy levels, and a lower risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Role of quality improvement in chronic disease management

Quality starches, often called complex carbohydrates, are fundamental to managing and preventing various chronic diseases. Their high fiber content in particular plays a decisive role in health care.

For people with diabetes, or those at risk, incorporating quality starches can greatly impact blood sugar control. When you consume foods rich in complex carbohydrates, the sugar in these foods is slowly broken down during digestion. This slow breakdown allows for a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream, preventing the sharp blood sugar spikes associated with simple, refined carbohydrates. This steady supply of energy helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, an important factor in managing diabetes.

In addition, quality starches contribute significantly to heart health. They usually contain high amounts of dietary fiber, which has been associated with a reduction in low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol. Lower LDL levels correspond to a reduced risk of developing heart disease. In addition, many whole grains and legumes, which are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, contain important heart-healthy nutrients such as magnesium and potassium.

When it comes to weight control, complex carbohydrates also play a crucial role. Foods with high levels of these quality starches are often more filling due to their high fiber content. This can lead to increased feelings of satiety after meals, reducing the likelihood of overeating or frequent snacking on high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. Over time, this can help maintain a healthy weight or even support weight loss efforts.

Additionally, the high fiber content of these foods aids digestion by adding bulk to the diet, which promotes regular bowel movements. This can prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and diverticular disease.

While the term “starch” can often be associated with unhealthy foods or weight gain, it’s important to distinguish between refined and quality starches. The latter, as part of a balanced and varied diet, can offer significant benefits for chronic disease prevention and overall health care.

Choosing quality starches for a healthier you

Incorporating quality starches into your diet doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By making conscious choices and small changes, you can enjoy a variety of delicious, satisfying foods while nourishing your body and supporting your health goals.

You are not alone in this; over 3,000 individuals have reached their health goals with us, and more than 20,000 have relied on our resources for their nutrition education.

At OnPoint Nutrition, our team of dietitians and nutritionists are here to guide you on this journey. With our expertise and your commitment, a healthier, happier you is within reach.

Let’s redefine what it means to live a healthy lifestyle, one quality starch at a time.